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SOAP Message Viewer

A SOAP log message viewer utility for Windows.

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SOAP Message Viewer for Windows


SOAP Message Viewer is an utility that displays the content of the messages of a SOAP trace record (ie: of a web_messages.svclog file).


Why another SVCLOG viewer?

When you want to trace the dialog between a SOAP server and a client, you usually activate the diagnostics in the web.config file. You get then these two files:

The usual utility to view and analyse this trace is SvcTraceViewer.exe (Microsoft Service Trace Viewer) that can be slow, complex and needs that both files are synchronously timecoded.

SOAP Message Viewer just focuses on the main thing: the content of the messages. It is fast, simple, and only needs the web_messages.svclog file.



Get the latest release of the software by clicking on the ▼.ZIP button, at the top of this page, or here: “latest release”.

Download the file, and unzip it in a folder on your computer. Then, just run the SOAP-MessageViewer.exe program.

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