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David de Lorenzo

Projects hosted at

Software for Windows

SOAP Message Viewer Registry Fine Viewer

SOAP Message Viewer is a C++ utility that displays the content of the messages of a SOAP trace record (ie: of a web_messages.svclog file).

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RegFineViewer is a C# utility to visualize and navigate easily the Windows Registry.

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Contributions to large open-source projects


A C++ graphic library for the open-source game engine ogre3D for creating dynamicaly 3D geometrical meshes, from cubes and spheres to more elaborate shapes.

Get access to source code... a wireframe ellipsoid
StarGen-II banner


A C++ library that generates realistics solar-systems based on physical laws and real astronomical data. It uses the Celestia database of 120.000 known stars, and the algorithms of Stargen C-program.

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Professional Utilities

VTR Emulator screenshot

VTR Emulator

A Serial VTR emulator, running under Python. It simulates a VTR (professional Video Tape Recorder) connected to a serial port of the computer.

BXF Creator screenshot

BXF Creator

This Traffic System emulator, running under Python, can generate and send BXF messages (Broadcast eXchange Format) for Playlists and Contents.

Device Bouchon screenshot

Devices Bouchon

Dozen of TV equipment simulated with their own protocol (mixers, switchers, video servers, branding devices).

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Steampunk Robotics !

Robot à bonbons:

This papier-maché robot is based on Arduino. Coupled with a continious motor and an ultrasonic detector, it will distribute candies during birthday parties.

photo of Robot à Bonbons Learn more...


Arditime is a tactile timer. It is made with wood, copper and arduino. A tactile sensor on the top of the clock is used to set the duration of the timer (from 2 to 50 minutes), and at the end of the timeout, the stone glows red, and a gong sounds.

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An original MP3 player in a vintage radio

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Android Applications

TC Calcul screenshot

TC Calcul is a handy application for converting, adding, substracting timecodes, in any unit. Very usefull, especially if you work for the TV, video or media industry...

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tiMarantz screenshot

With this App, you can manage your Marantz Audio Amplifier directly with your smartphone and listen your own music or any web-radio very easily. You do not need any Heos account, nor any account or subscription to a music major company.

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TinyBookCatalog screenshot

TinyBookCatalog keeps the catalog of your books. Just scan the barcode, and the Title, Author, Cover and Abstract will be automatically filled. You can also share your catalog with your friends and cousins, and exchange books together.

Video games

Long Forgotten Earth

An unfinished 3D and adventure game, mixing RPG and space simulator. Thousands of solar systems, procedural planets, realistic physics and astrophysics, robots, pilotable spacescraft, a little bit too ambitious maybe... The 3D models of the spaceship were made by an hungarian contributor partner.
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Screenshot of LFE game Screenshot of LFE game