TiPhotoLocator 1.1
A tiny application to easily geotag your photos
Aucune correspondance
About Tags

TiPhotoLocator manages the following EXIF and IPTC tags.

Exif tags

The EXchangeable Image Fileformat (EXIF) format is described on the exiftool.org website. It has no official description.
(IFD : Image File Directory)

Tag name Read Write Id & group Description
ImageWidth yes 0x0100 IFD0 Image width
ImageHeight yes 0x0101 IFD0 Image height
Make yes 0x010f IFD0 Camera manufacturer
Model yes 0x0110 IFD0 Camera model
Orientation yes 0x0112 IFD0 Camera orientation
ShutterSpeedValue yes 0x9201 IFD0 Shutter speed in seconds
FNumber yes 0x829D IFD0 Focal stop-number
Software yes 0x0131 IFD0 Camera or Scanner software version
Artist yes MWG 0x013b IFD0 Name of photographer
ImageDescription MWG MWG 0x010e IDF0 Image description
GPSLatitude yes yes 0x8825 IFD0 Photo location
GPSLongitude yes yes 0x8825 IFD0 Photo location
GPSLatitudeRef yes 0x8825 IFD0 North or South
GPSLongitudeRef yes 0x8825 IFD0 East or West
DateTimeOriginal yes yes 0x9003 ExifIFD Date/time when the photo was taken
MetadataProcessingSoftware yes "TiPhotoLocator"
Landmark no no Sony

MWG: Managed according to the Metadata Working Group recommandations.

When adding GPS information to an image, it is important to set all of the following tags: GPSLatitude, GPSLatitudeRef, GPSLongitude, GPSLongitudeRef.


The International Press Telecommunications Council format (IPTC) is described in the iptc.org website

Tag name Read Write Description
Creator yes yes Name of photographer.
City yes yes Obsolete - Name of the city of the location shown in the image.
Country yes yes Obsolete - Name of the country of the location shown in the image.
Description yes yes Description of the who, what, and why of what is happening in this image.
CaptionWriter yes yes Name of the person involved in writing the Description.
Keywords yes yes List of keywords used to express the subject matter in the image.

MWG: Managed according to the Metadata Working Group recommandations.


Tag name Read Write Description
LocationShown/City MWG MWG Name of city shown on the photo
LocationShown/CountryName MWG MWG Country name
Location/location name Location name
Location/state Province or state
Location/sublocation MWG MWG Name of a city sublocation or of a well-known location or of a (natural) monument outside a city
Location/WorldRegion World Region

Unused tags

  • Title: A short verbal and human readable name for the image, (may be the file name).
  • DateCreated : Creation date of the subject of the image (La Joconde: 1516).
  • Headline: A publishable title.
  • Caption: An other description.